Ceramic Processing and Sintering 2nd Edition by Mohamed N. Rahaman offers clear and intensive discussions on colloidal and sol-gel processing, sintering of ceramics, and kinetic processes in materials. From powder synthesis and consolidation to sintering and densification conduct, this newest edition emphasizes the affect of every processing process on ceramic properties.
The text additionally incorporates new and extended discussions on colloid stability, polymer growth and gelation, components in ceramic forming, diffusion and defect strucutre, normal and irregular grain growth, microwave sintering, Rayleigh instability results, and Ostwald ripening. Illustrating the interconnectedness between the assorted steps within the total fabrication route, this information approaches the elemental points of each process and show how they are applied to the sensible fabrication of ceramics.
As the field's premiere supply, this reference is extensively revised and expanded to collect laborious-to-discover applications, equations, derivations, and examples illustrating the most recent developments in ceramic processing technology. This book is concerned primarily with the processing of polycrystalline ceramics and focuses on the widespread fabrication of ceramics by the firing of consolidated powders forms. A quick remedy of sol-gel processing can also be included.
There are also tables, figures, and end-of-chapter problems including clear and intensive discussions on colloidal and sol-gel processing, sintering of ceramics, and kinetic processes in materials. Author emphasizes the impact of each processing procedure on the properties of the ceramic product. He forms a logical development from the start of the fabrication route to the final fabricated microstructure.
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