Monday, September 16, 2013

Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering by Moran

Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Bruce R. Munson and David P. DeWitt combines coverage of thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat transfer in a single volume. Developed by main educators within the field, this book sets the standard for these interested in the thermal-fluids market.

Drawing on one of the best of what works from market main texts in thermodynamics (Moran), fluids (Munson) and heat transfer (Incropera), this book introduces thermal engineering utilizing a methods focus, introduces structured drawback-solving methods, and supplies functions of curiosity to all engineers. This text comes with an integrated introductory presentation of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

The unifying theme is the application of these priciples in thermal systems engineering. Responding to pressures to reduce credit hours in the curriculum and to ABET-inspired objectives for more integrated treatment of engineering topics, this text surveys the field of thermal sciences with an emphasis on applications to thermal systems engineering.

The authors have identified the critical subject areas needed for analysis of thermal systems, and provided them in a text of manageable size. A flexible organization gives instructors choices in the coverage they provide their students. The presentation opens in Chapter 1 with an engaging, case-oriented introduction to thermal systems engineering. Chapter 1 also describes thermal systems engineering generally and shows the roles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer for analyzing thermal systems as well as their relationship to one another.

The authors have identified the core subject matter in each area and have presented it in a 600-page print format that can be covered in one semester. An accompanying CD, containing the full printed text plus 200 pages of additional content, makes the text/CD package appropriate for two semesters. Adapted from the market-leading texts in thermo, fluids, and heat transfer that have educated over 600,000 engineering students combined!

All worked examples throughout the text employ a consistent 5-step problem solving procedure for solving thermal systems problems. Each chapter begins with a clear statement of objective and concludes with a chapter summary and study guide. Lists of key terms are found in the margins. A generous collection of end-of-chapter problems is included, classified by key topic.

Each copy of the printed text comes with a CD that includes the 600-page print text and 200 pages of additional content, hyperlinked to show connections between topics. The CD also includes additional worked examples, answers to selected end of chapter problems, and short video clips of fluid flow phenomenon. For retrieval of property data, and to model and solve more complex problems, Interactive Thermodynamics and Interactive Heat Transfer programs also are included on the CD.

More details about this book...


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